Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Come to me

I recently wrote a letter of welcome to a group having a retreat that I could not attend because of spending a few days in the hospital.  Here is the body of the letter.  I thought it would be great for the blog.

Dear Divine Mercy Encounter #67,

Jesus said in the gospel of Matthew, “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for your selves.   For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.”
That is his invitation not just to the twelve apostles but to you on this day.  In the invitation he doesn’t invite just the twelve but he invites all who labor and are burdened and He will give you rest.  You are invited to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

"Come" - the invitation is Christ's, the action required is ours.  Christ is gentle and humble, he will not impose his will on ours, we are still free to carry our burdens without rest for our souls.   Our bodies may be beaten down, our spirits crushed and our lives forfeit but the promise of rest for our souls even now is held out to us.  But "come" and do what?  Learn and take Christ's yoke.

"to me" - Christ is the one to whom we must go.  Not to the world, not to ourselves, not to any other person, group, ideology, philosophy, political party, idea, distraction or entertainment.  The person of Jesus Christ is our only light and goal, obedience to his teaching our only path.

"all you that are weary" - for the one in love with Christ all that is not Christ is wearisome.  We all become weary from something, whether from our daily work or our daily sin.   Yes, Christ's invitation is held out even to the Christian who has gone astray, gotten caught up in the wrong things, has lost his recollection and peace or is simply weary from active service to Christ.

"and are carrying heavy burdens" - the types of burdens are far too numerous to mention, from physical and emotional burdens, to the burden of family responsibilities, job or lack of job, our studies, or imprisonment...Jesus does not say he will remove our burdens but give us rest, by learning from him and accepting his yoke.  Spiritual rest is therefore not incompatible with carrying heavy burdens.

"I will give you rest" - I will give it.  The world will not give it, you will not give it to yourself through self-imposed discipline and practices, your favorite religious leader will not give it, Jesus Christ dispenses his rest to those who come to him, learn from him and take his yoke.   

So Jesus Christ has invited all of you this day to encounter Him.  Do not fear, this is not a heavy handed Jesus but a loving Jesus who wants the best for you and has the best to give you.  Keep your hearts open and know that I and many are praying for you.  

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