Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I'm Home!!!!

Yes, that is correct, I am home. Actually got here on Saturday evening. This blog will be good for other things(like my memory.) If I keep up to date on it. I was given the okay to come home but with the following restrictions. I am not allowed to eat. I am still in pain and eating makes it worse. So the remedy is no eating or drinking(not even water but in small amounts) and to be fed intravenously. So I am hooked up to this pump thing for 16 hours a day and off 8. So much fun but I'm home.

Just some last things about being in hospital. I had a good nurse named Ben for most of the daytime hours. Thanks Ben and all the other random nurses I had. I had the same roommate for the last three days. To say he was interesting is to say the least. Anthony is 84 years old, he was in for colon cancer. Some of my highlights with Anthony. Anthony for most of his grown life was a cinematographer. Thats right he made movies with some of the big names. Names like: William Holden, Alec Guinness, Maureen O'Harra, Elizabeth Taylor, Gregory Peck and others. Bunch of movies only two that I can remember now which are "The Bridge Over the River Kwai" and "Guns of Navarone." Both of these movies are excellent made about the time I was born.

He told me a lot of stories and asked a ton of trivia questions like I have been around as long as he has. He really started to catch me off guard when he started asking me questions like "who do you think was the best looking actor in film?" I have to tell you I really had to think. I didn't believe he asked me that and I truly had never thought of that question. I said Paul Newman. He agreed he was good looking but said John Derrick was the best looking guy in movies. Didn't even know who he was. He told me that Tony Curtis had a hard time keeping the gay actors from hitting on him as he was straight. Now how does he know this? A little after this he says "Aaron can you help me over here?" So I get up and go over there and he pulls at his gown and asks if his catheter was still in. Whoa, whoa don't be flashing me old man. He also told me why he had never got married. He said "why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free." DOB, dirty old bastard. He told me a lot of good things that went on in his life but he left me with a feeling like I was glad I never lived or worked in Hollywood. Like my mom once said "If you work in a barn you soon smell like manure."

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