Thursday, February 9, 2012


Today while walking the halls of this hospital I found this posted on one of the bulletin boards.  I do find most of their bulletin boards to be enlightening.  This board makes me to believe someone else needs the enlightening.  The quote "In life, pain is inevitable but suffering is not."  Wow.  Wonder where they got this quote.  I guess this is what our society teaches today that we do not have to suffer.  Wonder how you tell that to the lady I met today who's husband they just found 4th stage pancreatic cancer.  They have two boys who are 5 and 7.  So these boys and the wife won't suffer watching their loved one die?  Just because you "control" his pain the suffering is going away.  What about his emotional suffering and the fact it is so hard to even pray while under the influence of these drugs or the pain involved.  No, it is apparent the person who coined this phrase did not understand the human condition.  There are so many more examples I could use like those who will be hungry tonight when they go to bed, or the parents of kids ho will go to bed hungry.  What of the homeless who have no place to stay?  Of course just because they have suffering in their lives doesn't mean there isn't joy.  Joy that comes from not being tied down to material things, or the Joy that only our Lord can provide.  The quote should read "In life, pain and suffering are inevitable but lack of Joy is not.

So my nurses this first shift today are Mike and Andrew.  I have the blessing of having to nurses today because Mike is training Andrew who is in his last week of RN school here at the hospital.  Mike is an excellent nurse very kind and compassionate.  Couple of weeks ago when I was here he had my roommate as his patient and Mike was very good with a difficult patient.  Andrew, I just met today but seems to be doing a good job with his training and his compassion toward patients.  During the night last night I had Margaret as my nurse.  It is often hard to evaluate the third shift person as we the patients are trying to sleep.  I do find that she is a lovely lady who is trying to be a good nurse.

I have to confess I feel bad for my poor judgement during the middle of the night.  About 3 AM I heard this woman in the next room yelling for something.  I tried to determine from my bed if she needed help or was just confused.  I went with just confused and found out later that she actually had lost her call button and was trying to get someones attention.  I still feel bad as I write this.

Remember "If today you hear my voice harden not your hearts."  Should have used that with the lady during the night.

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